- Kildare County Council
- Athy, County Kildare
- Nicholas O'Dwyer; Tobin Consulting Engineers
- June 2011
Srowland Water Treatment Plant forms part of a larger scheme, The Barrow Abstraction Scheme, provided potable water to County Kildare and the Greater Dublin Region. Once completed the plant has production capacity to deliver 38.4 Ml/d of potable water to the water supply network. The new treatment plant was constructed on an 8 hectare Greenfield site situated approximately 3km outside the town of Athy, Co. Kildare.
The completed treatment plant consisted of the following elements:
- Raw water intake works
- Raw water pumping facility
- Off- river raw water bunded reservoirs with 120,000m3 capacity
- Water treatment plant and ancillary roads
- Clearwater tank
- Treated water reservoir and pumping facility
- Administration Building
- Chemical dosing building
- Sludge handling facility
- 4,700m of DICL and PVC Interconnecting Pipework, ranging in size from 100mm to 900mm.
The construction of 2 no. new earth bunded and lined raw water reservoirs will ensure a consistent supply of water to the treatment plant and the larger scheme. This element of works requires a significant excavation and disposal operation (circa 85,240m3) and earth embankment construction (circa 49,100m3).
In total 4,500m3 of concrete will be poured to complete the structural and building works within the site. A new intake structure is to be constructed on the banks of the River Barrow to facilitate the primary extraction of the raw water to the newly constructed reservoirs.
The duration of the Design and Build works was 20 months with the Operating phase commencing for a 20 year period upon completion of the DB element of the works.