- Dublin City Council
- Ballymore Eustace, Co. Kildare
- June 2011
This project to modernise the Dublin City Council water treatment plant at Ballymore Eustace involves the erection of new facilities & the demolition & refurbishment of existing facilities.
The plant's current output is to be upgraded from 267mld to 318mld. As Ballymore Eustace WTW provides 55% of the clean water to the city of Dublin no interference with the plant's output is permissible during the construction. BAM civil's contract includes all civil & building works associated with this upgrade. The M&E works are not within BAM Civil scope.
Works include
- Construction of New Sedimentation tanks
- Construction of New Administration building
- Construction of New Filter Block and Post-Filtration Block
- Construction of Reservoir
- Construction of New Surface Water Manifold Building
- Construction of Glazed Walkways between Structures
- Diversion of Existing Watermains, Connections to Existing Watermains, Construction of Bypass Pipework
- Construction of Wastewater Management Plant
- Laying of Various Gravity and Pressure Watermains up to 1.6m dia. s/s and flanged.
- Ancillary Systems
- Siteworks 12. Modifications to Existing Contact Tanks
- Construction of new ESB Sub-station 14. Structural Modifications to Filter Gallery of the Existing Filter Beds
- Internal Modifications to Filter Gallery of the Existing Filter Beds 1 to 10
- Reconstruction of a Section of the Existing Spillway & Extension of the Spillway
- Modifications to floor of Existing Sludge Balancing Tank
- Construction of New Weir House
- Construction of Retaining Walls
- Connections to Existing Watermains
- Modifications at the Liffey Intake Works
- Mechanical and Electrical Works
- Construction of Flood Containment Structures
- Demolition of Existing Structures
- Construction of Reception block