25th October 2016

BAM has been identified as a global leader for its actions and strategies in response to climate change and has been awarded a position on the Climate A List by CDP, the international not-for-profit organisation, that drives sustainable economies.
This list comprises 193 ‘A Listers’ and has been produced at the request of 827 investors with assets of US$100 trillion. Thousands of companies submit annual climate disclosures to CDP for independent assessment against its scoring methodology. BAM is among nine percent of corporations participating in CDP’s climate change program to be awarded a position on the Climate ‘A List’, in recognition of its actions to reduce emissions and mitigate climate change in the past reporting year.
BAM constantly measures the progress of its climate change strategy using internationally recognised KPIs to evaluate CO2 emissions, energy consumption and waste production with our performance audited by EY annually.
Recent initiatives we have implemented in line with this strategy include:
· The adoption of Building Information Modelling or BIM which provides 3D models for efficient visualisation and analysis of proposed designs. This increases efficiency in the design and construction procedure, which drives sustainable project delivery.
· Collaboration with Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology on the development of a resource efficiency toolkit for the construction industry.
· Procurement of 100% green electricity for BAM offices and direct supplied construction sites.
Theo Cullinane, CEO of BAM Ireland welcomes this award and reiterates that the traditional model of extract-consume-dispose is not sustainable. He said that “sustainability is embedded in the way BAM operates whereby experienced teams collaborate with clients, supply chain and knowledge institutes to develop ideas that reduce costs sustainably and improve resource efficiency to achieve a net positive impact.”