President Higgins opens Thornton Heights Housing Development
9th September 2014

Covering 2 acres of a 14 acre site, Thornton Heights is a 75 unit mixed apartment and housing development, comprising of 10 terraced houses and 65 apartments in 4 blocks, varying in height from 3 to 6 storeys. The €16.9 million scheme also includes a crèche with adjoining playground and a state of the art community facility. Three additional playgrounds will cater for different age groups, set in a secure courtyard formed by the apartment blocks and houses. In keeping with sustainable development, photovoltaic panels on the roof take energy from the sun to provide power to illuminate the common areas and storage areas in the scheme.
The process of regeneration of St. Michael’s Estate began 12 years ago. Developed and designed by Dublin City Council, BAM commenced construction of Thornton Heights in 2010, and completed the scheme in July 2014. The opening of Thornton Heights is the culmination of many years of hard work and a close collaboration between Dublin City Council and the St. Michael’s Regeneration Board, chaired by Finbarr Flood.