COVID-19 crisis
31st March 2020

BAM has followed all official Government and HSE guidelines in relation to the operation of its sites in recent weeks and has had the welfare of its staff and contractors as its top priority.
BAM has today received confirmation from its client, the National Paediatric Hospital Development Board (NPHDB) that work on the National Children’s Hospital, the largest construction site in the country is not considered essential construction services in the current COVID-19 crisis. BAM welcomes this important clarification which it has sought over a number of days and work ceased immediately upon its receipt.
BAM continues to undertake separate COVID-19 related work on the main St. James’s hospital campus at the request of the hospital management as well as some essential motorway maintenance and Facilities Management work around the country. In these it is operating to the strictest of safety procedures for all workers.
Ends 31st March 2020