
BAM Coffee Morning in support of St Brigid's Hospice

14th November 2016

A big thank you to all at our Kill Office for generously supporting the recent coffee morning in aid of St Brigid’s Hospice. €1,250 was raised for this very worthy cause.

The Friends of St Brigid’s Hospice is a voluntary group and their principal objective is to benefit the community of County Kildare and West Wicklow, by assisting, promoting and supporting the aspirations and needs of St Brigid’s Hospice.

They administer 100% of the monies raised through fundraising towards Hospice, Specialist Palliative care and Homecare for patients with incurable life threatening illness and their families.  Their services include:  

  • Specialist Palliative Care
  • Specialist equipment and other patient comforts
  • Enhanced/ supplementary nursing cover for St. Brigid’s Hospice
  • Provide funding for up-skilling / training  courses for  palliative care nurses and ancillary care
  • Patient transporter for the day care centre

Friends of St Brigid’s Hospice, in partnership with the HSE have also raised funds to construct additional patient accommodation to the existing seven bedded unit at The Curragh. This redevelopment is expected to be finished by July 2017.  The new facility will have 13 single bed rooms, a day care facility and a new oratory and will cost in the region of €4 million.

Filed Under:   BAM Ireland

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