The new Coláiste Ailigh opens its doors
15th November 2013

On Friday 14th November, Coláiste Ailigh teachers and students closed the doors on their temporary school and walked to their new State of the Art School a mile away.
Coláiste Ailigh is the first of the 8 schools to be completed under the Schools Bundle III PPP Scheme. The Schools Bundle III PPP programme consists of the design, build, finance and 25 year maintenance of 8 schools, 7 post-primary and one primary in various locations around the country.This new 350 pupil post-primary Letterkenny school will provide permanent accommodation for the Gael Coláiste established in 2000.
The 6,000m2 fastrack project was completed by the BAM team in 51 weeks and comprises:
- general teaching accommodation
- specialist classrooms/workshops
- physical education hall and ancillary areas
- hard play courts & playing pitches
- parking spaces
- engineering services all associated site development works.